Monday, 4 May 2009

8500 kms... and one year on the road!

Zé's contact in Ivory Coast: +223-65850146

"So... within the next 4 days, in the city of Niakaramandougou, I will be completing 8500kms... pedalling half way to South Africa!

The same day of the commemoration, I will have spent 1 year on the road...

From the day I departed from Paris, much asphalt rolled under the small tires of the Go-Kart ... many dreams and joys shared with hundreds of friends who offered smiles and cheers to keep on going...

Difficult would be to mention each one's name here... since I would risk forgetting someone...

Therefore I will only say, from the heart: THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO BECAME PART OF THIS DREAM...

Beijo no coração. (A kiss from the heart.)"

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