Wednesday, 27 August 2008

2008-2010: "Extreme World"—Paris-Johannesburg on a pedal go-kart

See the YouTube Video

"Extreme World"
The first transcontinental go-kart voyage PARIS-JOHANNESBURG

Western Sahara
Burkina Faso
Ivory Coast
South África

20 countries
2 continents
17.293 kilometres

one World Cup
a Great Dream
a Great Adventure
a Great Challenge

"Extreme World" consists of a voyage in a pedal go kart through 20 countries of Europe and Africa, covering an approximate distance of 17.290 kilometres. It will have a duration of two years, ending in Johannesburg, South Africa, during the Football World Cup Africa 2010.

On this voyage, which is intended to raise people´s awareness of the Lions Clubs International campaign "SightFirst" (to combat two of the gravest problems affecting vision, especially children's vision, in the less developed countries: cataract and glaucoma), during the many of his stops along the way, he will visit schools (from kindergarten to secondary schools) and give talks to children and youths about the necessity to preserve water on our Planet. They will also be taught how to construct solar panels to heat up water using recyclable materials such as tetrapak milk containers and soft drink plastic bottles.

The Lions' "Vision Program":

In 1925, Helen Keller challenged Lions to become "knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness" during the association's international convention. Today, Lions are recognized worldwide for their service to the blind and visually impaired. Lions demonstrate their commitment to sight conservation through eyeglass recycling, sight partnerships and countless other sight services.

The Lions ambitious SightFirst Program has restored sight through cataract surgeries, prevented serious vision loss and improved eye care services for hundreds of millions of adults and children. To continue and expand this effort, Lions have launched Campaign SightFirst II, with a goal of raising at least US$150 million.

Technical Stops:

During the trip, there will be stops in all the countries (especially in the capitals) for taking care of formalities and paperwork, as well as for contacting the local Lions Clubs for setting up the talks in the various schools and other media events.

Contacting the News Media:

The journey will be advertised using the following assets:
> Television
> Radio
> Newspapers
> Magazines
> News Agencies
> Internet 

If you would like to receive photos and logs from the trip, please send an email to:

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